What is the CANT/CUZ Protocol?

The CANT/CUZ protocol is a miracle of modern thought which offers incredible benefits far beyond simple computer algorithms. Because people learn from mistakes, it makes sense that they should teach by them as well. At first, speaking in CANT/CUZ format feels difficult, even awkward, but in a relatively short time children and adults will be able to effectively use this powerful protocol in person like it was second nature.

When statements are delivered with dual parts (CANT + CUZ), the speaker gains control over the thought(s) within the mind of the other which the CUZ is meant to contradict. Best yet, when a person learns how to contemplate under this architecture, they will harness an incredible tool to let them derive ideal decisions (even under silent thought)..

This application enforces the CANT/CUZ protocol, however the CANT is used strictly for computer indexing. When carrying out a debate with this software it is extremely beneficial to speak with (CANT + CUZ) within the CUZ field. The software does not make users offer a CANT outside of the indexing field, however its usage is highly recommended. For example, notice the recursion in the following CUZ field.

CANT: *violence is (good|virtuous|necessary|O.K.|great)*
CUZ: You can't say that violence is good because you wouldn't want others to use violence against you.

About This Software

Please remember that this application is a prototype. You can add new contradictions with this application to see how it works however they will be written to your browser's Local Storage database (meaning that nobody else will see them).

Notice that this database has no hierarchal structure (inverse to beliefs). The CANT is the indexing mechanism! There is something miraculous to be said about this unorganized database structure. Thought Cot's future web service plans on aggregating billions of contradictions from around the globe across all languages. The CANT/CUZ protocol does not require any organization whatsoever; no priority and no hierarchy. It is worth thinking about this and experimenting with the given software because the benefits of using this protocol cannot be overstated.

Can't Description (optional):
Can't Pattern:
Pattern is a Regular Expression? No Yes
Pattern is Case Sensitive? No Yes
Can't Pattern Filter:
Because Filter: